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Trends in Adult Education

Things have drastically changed since I went to school for diesel mechanics especially on the marine engine side of things.  Marine engine education has been incorporating digitization and automation far more now than ever.  Now students are learning more and more about advanced engine control systems, data analytic and remote monitoring to optimize engine control and reduce emissions and reduce fuel consumption.  I have taken courses that are now focusing on environmental sustainability which includes the use of hybrid systems and electric propulsion systems.  More and more companies are sending employees to the manufacturer for maintenance and troubleshooting training and this is important for the company to offer this training to ensure safe and reliable operations at sea. Years ago any training outside of the V.C.C. diesel program was unheard of and you were expected to learn by doing with minimal OEM manuals.   Nowadays this is receiving no training is a hazard as engine are running under higher fuel pressures and certain steps must be taken to ensure nobody gets hurt.  Ongoing training is now expected from and employer and not providing this is considered a major risk.​

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